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The Regulations of Visa Administration for International Students (Provisional)
2018-10-15 16:22  

   Item 1. In order tostrengthen the visa regulation for international students in PanzhihuaUniversity and regulate the visa order, this regulation is enacted on the basisof Immigration Administrative Law in People’s Republic of China, ImmigrationAdministrative Regulations for Foreigners in People’s Republic of China,Administrative Measures for the University to Recruit and CultivateInternational Students(No. 42 Decree of Ministry of Education, Ministry ofForeign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security in People’s Republic of China), combined with the practice of the university.

Item 2. Visa andresidence permit are important evidences for the foreigners to live legally inChina. International students must ensure their legality of the certificates inthe period of living in China.

Item 3. According to the relevantregulations and policies of the Ministry of Education, the transaction of thevisa and residence permit for international students must be tightly combinedwith the fee payment, law and discipline observance and other conditions of theinternational students.

Item 4. The School ofInternational Education (International Exchange and Cooperation Office) will beresponsible for the visa application and business transaction of theinternational students.

Item 5. The School of InternationalEducation (International Exchange and Cooperation Office) will transact oneresidence permit application with the validity of one year or extendedformality for international students who have paid tuition and other payableexpenses every academic year.

Item 6. International studentsrequiring to transact residence permit applications or extended formats mustsubmit the visa application sheets, passports and photos to The School ofInternational Education (International Exchange and Cooperation Office). Andunder the guidance of The School of International Education (InternationalExchange and Cooperation Office), they will transact in ImmigrationAdministrative Office of Panzhihua Public Security Bureau. As to internationalstudents failing to submit materials in the prescribed time of the university,the university will not transact for them in principle. If the residence permitis not transacted when it expires, those continuing to stay in China willconstitute illegal retention. According to the related regulations ofImmigration Administrative Regulations for Foreigners in People’s Republic ofChina, they will be punished with administrative penalty or economic penalty.In serious cases, they will even be arrested.

Item 7.The validity of transacting the residence permit should not exceed the validperiod of the personal passport. International students ready to graduate(complete the course) can only be extended to thegraduation(completion) time. Thedetailed time will be confirmed according to the teaching arrangement of theuniversity in the corresponding year.

Item 8.Undernormal conditions, visa and staying certificate must take seven working daysfor the issuance. The residence permit might take 15 working days.

Item 9.Internationalstudents having schooling suspension, quitting or other academic statusalteration conditions in studying must apply for visa alteration procedures to The School ofInternational Education (International Exchange and Cooperation Office) firstly, and thencancel the original visa or residence permit in Immigration AdministrativeOffice of Panzhihua Public Security Bureau, and he must leave China in thespecified period.

Item 10. Internationalstudents sent down or punished by school expulsion from the university forviolating the regulations and disciplines will be canceled of their residencepermits and not transacted with the residence permit extension procedure.

Item 11. X1 can only be changedinto residence permit and can't be applied to changeinto X2 or short stay visa directly.

Item 12. The short stay visachanged from the studying residence permit should not exceed 30 days.

Item13.  Internationalstudents must observe the relevant regulations ofImmigration Administrative Law in People’s Republic of China and ImmigrationAdministrative Regulations for Foreigners in People’s Republic of China.

Item 14. In implementation, ifthis regulation conflicts with the newly issued laws and regulations, the lawsand regulations will prevail. other details about the visa not listed above canbe processed referring to the relevant regulations.

Item 15. If the visa validityexpires because of the reason of the international student, all consequenceswill be assumed by the international student himself or herself.

Item 16. This regulation will beimplemented since the publication date and will be responsible to beinterpreted by the School of International Education (International Exchangeand Cooperation Office).

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