FromDec. 7 to 13, 2017, sponsored by foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairsoffice of Sichuan provincial government, co-organized by foreign affairs andoverseas Chinese affairs office of Panzhihua municipal government, the trainingclass of Nepalese health and medical personnel was successfully organizedby Panzhihua University, and 35 Nepalese health management cadres attended the trainingclass.
At theopening ceremony on Dec.7, Ma Xiaofeng, deputy mayor of Panzhihau city, andWang Shuguang, President of Panzhihua university, attended the openingceremony and delivered a speech. Ma Xiaofeng simply introduced Panzhihua citythrough Panzhihua's unique "city code" -- "123456". Shepointed out that it is the first time for Panzhihua city to undertake such aninternational training seminar, which was a positive response to the national "OneBelt And One Road" proposal. She hoped that the teachers and expertsparticipating in this training could effectively improve the trainees' healthmanagement theory level and medical clinical practice ability, and the traineescould learn relevant knowledge and apply it to their future work. She wished thateach member could be envoy of friendship between the two peoples.
President WangShuguang delivered a welcome speech. He first extended a warm welcome on behalfof the school to the members of the training class who came from afar. He saidthat the school would organize the training class well with relevantclassroom teaching, convenient learning platform and good services forthe Nepalese training staff, and wished them a happy life and study inPanzhihua.
Totally, the Nepalese training staff had eight courses such as Research on CharacteristicBiological Resources and Health in Panzhihua and Xichang Region, Infection Controland Prevention, The Current Situation and Practice of China's first Aid and MedicalServices System, etc. they were also arranged to visit ouruniversity's two affiliated hospitals, the School of health and wellness, Panzhihuamental health center, etc., visit and participate in the healthexercise "muscle-bone strengthening exercise", learning tai chi,experience the cupping therapy, acupuncture, watched the Hepatologylaparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery live.
Through a weekof training, learning, students gain a full, not only has the harvest of the business,but also gain the friendship, as director of the Nepal SUVIT MASKET, said hefelt Panzhihua is their second hometown, Mr.zhang people's modesty, enthusiasm,and they feel the enthusiasm of the school teachers and classmates friendly,attentive service, though they are in a foreign land, but very warm, think to Panzhihuato attend training is the precious experience in their lives. Members of theworkshop said the experience will benefit the Nepalese people by making fulluse of the latest medical technology and improving the health system in Nepal.
Althoughthe study session was short, it fully witnessed the friendship between Chinaand Nepal. It is believed that under the guidance of "building a communityof Shared future for mankind" proposed by the 19th CPC national congress,the two parliaments will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in more aspectsand further deepen the friendly relations between China and Nepal.
Thistraining is the first time for our city to undertake international trainingprojects, our school's international exchange work is a new breakthrough.

The opening ceremony |

A lecture for the Training Staff |

Pratice Tai Ji----A Chinese Way for Keeping Health |

Group Photo of Commencement |

Wang Shuguang, President of Panzhihua University, Delivering a Welcome Address |

Ma Xiaofeng, deputy Mayor of Panzhihua City, a Introducing Panzhihua City |

The Opening Ceremony Site |

The Group Photo of the Training Class |