PanzhihuaUniversity adheres to the open education, attaches great importance to theforeign exchange and cooperation work, actively promotes international(overseas) education and academic exchanges to enhance the level of the openeducation.
Since 1997, the University has established cooperative relationships with suchcolleges and universities as Perugia University of Italy , Calvert College of Canada, Halmstad University of Sweden, Swansea University of England, LawrenceTechnological University of America, New Mexico State University, the Universityof Thai Chamber of Commerce, Charoen Pokphand School of Management of Thailand,Russian Ural Metal Research Institute, University of Applied Science and Technologyof Sata Kunta in Finland, totally 11 foreign universities and researchinstitutes, and the National University of Science and Technology of Taiwan, JingHu Nursing College of Macau, totally 2 institutions in Taiwan and Macao. Theseyears we have actively carried out activities such as academic exchanges,technical research, student exchanges and other kind of cooperation,mainly focus on the teachers' visits, further training, students study forshort time, students’ study and training, students’ exchange, undergraduate themodel "2 + 2", "3 + 1 + 1" master, master of "4 +1", "No degree to Bachelor’s degree". These constitute astage of international exchanges for vast students, improving the internationallevel of our university’s education.

The signingscene with the National University of Science and Technology of Taiwan inApril, 2016

Thesigning scene with Panyapiwat Institute in March,2018

Thesigning scene with the University of Applied Science and Technology, SataKunta, Finland in May, 2018