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2024-09-24 09:59  



In order to have a safe, pleasant and warmNationalDay holiday, all international students, please pay attention to the following:


National Day Holiday Duration and Work Arrangement


The National Day holiday runs from Oct 1 to Oct 7. According to theuniversityarrangement, the class on October 2nd (Wednesday) will be made up on September 29th, and the class on October 3rd (Thursday) will be made up on October 12th. The 5th week for international students (September 30 - October 6) is not scheduled, so the National Day holiday for international students is actually from September 28 to October 7.Students will not have classon September 29 and October 12.


1.假期有出行计划的国际学生,必须提前2天到国际教育学院办公室填写Travel Plans of International Students on Holidays和Safety Commitment得到批准后,方能离校。离校学生未能按时返校的,按规予以纪律处分。国庆假期是出行高峰期,火车票和酒店住宿非常紧张,且价格昂贵,有出行计划的同学务必提前购买车票,预定酒店。除突发意外情况,学校不接受留学生因无法购买火车票而逾期返校的请假申请。留学生假期外出期间安全责任自负。

Internationalstudents who plan to travel mustcome tothe School of International Education officetofilloutTravel Plans of International Students on HolidaysandSafety Commitmenttwo days in advance.Students can't leave the school unless they get approval. Students who fail to return to school on time will be disciplined according to regulations. The National Day holiday is the peak of travel, train tickets and hotel accommodation are very tight, and the price is expensive, studentswho willtravel must buy tickets and book hotelsin advance. Except for unexpectedaccidents, the university will not accept applicationsto return latedue to the inability to purchase train tickets.Students whowilltravel should be responsible for their own safety duringthe trip.


International students whowill travel during the holidaysareforbiddento play by the riverandpond, andforbiddento swim in open waterin orderto avoid drowning.Forbidden touse open flame or smoke in theopen air in order to prevent fire.


Abide by the regulations of the dormitory. No late return or staying outside all night; Forbiddento accommodate othersinthe dormitory;Donotmake loud noise to disturbothers’life and study; Pay attention to the dormitory safety, and prevent your rooms from fire and burglary .


Check the water and electricity facilitiesinthe dormitory, and report to repair in time if there is any fault.


Keep the dormitory and kitchen clean and tidy. Thehygieneand safety supervisors of international students' dormitories conscientiously perform their duties and do a good job in the supervision of dormitory hygiene and safety.

特别提醒:Special notes:


Do not leave cash and valuables in the room.Be sure to lock the door when you leave the dormitory.Be sure to lock the cabinet where your personal belongings are kept.Do not sit or lie on the balconyorguardrail in case of falling.


Pleasebe sure topay attention to personal and property safety when traveling.



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